No. 199

OSB Logo The Old St Beghian
  July 2021


Scottish Branch

It remains the intention to have a Scottish Gathering in November 2021. Your Scottish representative would prefer to have the Gathering in Edinburgh. Scotland remains vulnerable to variants, but hopefully by November, we all will have had our second jabs and feel relatively safe. 

The Scottish Representative would like to propose a slightly different format to the usual dinner. It would be a gathering for a refreshment at a central location, and for those who wish to stay on for something to eat, we can move to a restaurant. More to follow on the location and date. As venues begin to open up, the task should become a little easier. 

If any Scottish Old St Beghian would like to suggest an alternative format, the Scottish Representative is open to ideas and will be delighted to hear from you, he can be reached on 07850 082583 or by email on

In the meantime I wish all Old St Beghians a safe and pleasant summer.

Tim Mackay (FS 68-73) (Scottish Representative).

Please could OSBs get in touch with Tim to register their interest in attending a Scottish event. This will enable us to contact interested parties once further arrangements have been confirmed. Information about the gathering will also be posted on the Society website and Facebook page nearer the time.



The St Beghian Society    
St Bees School,    St Bees,    Cumbria,    CA27 0DS

Tel: (01946) 828093     
Email:      Web:

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